RE: [guide-user] Re: Xi Pup/"realism"

Rafael Barbera Apr 24, 2002


This is the only thing I can consider an improvment. The only but, is that
with antialias, Guide will be slowly, so I consider this improvment a
conditional one. For example I'll activate it before I save a BMP file.

By the way if I change from coloured stars to not coulored ones, I can see
that the shape of stars are diferent. For the cologing ones, it seems in my
system that the stars are elipseds oriented top bottom on screen. Do you see
the same? I show the stars as not coloured becaus this problem.

Rafael Barbera
Grup d'Estudis Astronomics (GEA)

> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: Tiziano Magni [mailto:tizmagni@...]
> Enviado el: miercoles, 24 de abril de 2002 15:30
> Para:
> Asunto: [guide-user] Re: Xi Pup/"realism"
> Maybe the only useful addition to "stars realism" is some type of
> antialiased stars disk.
> See, for example, "Cartes du Ciel" (Sky Charts) by Patrick Chevalley
> My 2 cents...
> Tiziano Magni
> tizmagni@...
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