Re: [guide-user] Re: Never change a running system

Jost Jahn Apr 19, 2002

At 09:41 19.04.02, you wrote:

>You could easily do that from any computer in the world,
>using a far better interface than the Yahoo one (at least I hope so).
>The user-friendliness is an important point.

And here seems a misunderstanding. MOST of the yahoogroups-user don´t go to
yahoo to read or write mail.

They are using their mail client (offline!) and this is in most cases the
central communication program for the user.

If you are going online into yahoogroups GUI you can go also into another
forum online, indeed. But you are missing the node to the e-mail users.

But what shalls: Try the forum and we´ll see, at which forum the important
facts will be presented.

>Besides, the whole point of the site is to make the community more
>active by publishing articles (and not only Guide articles, I hope
>they're will be general astronomy articles, observing experiences,
>scopes tests, etc).

This is not the goal of this e-mail list. There are many forum, which do
that (e.g. in German). It seems better to make a section
into these general forum for this special porgram Guide.

>One point I'd like to stress is that I do NOT want to undermine your
>effort, which helped a LOT of users.

I have no problem with this :-). It seems, that both projects can work.



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