Jost Jahn Apr 19, 2002
>You could easily do that from any computer in the world,And here seems a misunderstanding. MOST of the yahoogroups-user don´t go to
>using a far better interface than the Yahoo one (at least I hope so).
>The user-friendliness is an important point.
>Besides, the whole point of the site is to make the community moreThis is not the goal of this e-mail list. There are many forum, which do
>active by publishing articles (and not only Guide articles, I hope
>they're will be general astronomy articles, observing experiences,
>scopes tests, etc).
>One point I'd like to stress is that I do NOT want to undermine yourI have no problem with this :-). It seems, that both projects can work.
>effort, which helped a LOT of users.