RE: [guide-user] Re: Project Pluto Users Website

Olivier Thizy Apr 18, 2002

Hello all,

First, let me thank Bill for his great software... and responsiveness!

I think the mail list and "official" project pluto web site are good enough.
I am then not in favor to go to another mail list system or forum or

But I like the idea of a newletter. I'd be interested to receive few times a
year newsletter (electrnic in PDF for exemple) with summary of tips & advice
in order to better use Guide 8...

Best regards,

-----Message d'origine-----
De : sebastien_vaast [mailto:sebastien_vaast@...]
Envoyé : jeudi 18 avril 2002 17:24
À :
Objet : [guide-user] Re: Project Pluto Users Website

Hi Frank.

> What I like very much, though, is a "secrets of Guide" website with
> articles and how-to's. I'm quite sure, that many users, especially
> on this list, have a lot of tricks to share.

I totally agree with you here, but I feel that if people come to
visit such a site, putting a forum here would greatly expand the
interactivity. If people are willing to come to such a site, why not
use a forum ? I'd like to centralize activity.

Besides, I said in a previous post that we can produce a newsletter,
say once a week, that would list the intersting discussion, news
about Guide, new articles alert, etc. That would be mailed to the
users that are willing to let their mail address on the site, or even
just make a mail to me or one of the moderators.

Sébastien Vaast

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