Re: [guide-user] Re: Project Pluto Users Website

B.Bakker Apr 18, 2002

Dear mr.Vaast;

Everybody is entitled to his own hobby; but if webhosting is yours,
please change your subject. A new Guide-website would add nothing
valuable to the existing usergroup. All users are extremely happy with
the direct access to and support form Mr.Gray. Your extra's can be found
hundredfold elsewhere on the net so they don't fill a need. Guide users
are knowledgeable people who know where to get their information; help
is directly available in the usergroup if needed. Please do not occupy
any more bandwidth, the noiseratio is already high enough as it is. And
remember: not everyone is enjoying free telephoneservice; I for one have
to pay for every tick of your lengthy e-mails.
I'm not going into a discussion, you solicited my opinion, you got it.
Don't get me wrong: I wish you well and a satisfying hobby,

Bob Bakker

----- Original Message -----
From: "sebastien_vaast" <sebastien_vaast@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 3:45 PM
Subject: [guide-user] Re: Project Pluto Users Website

| Hi Antonio !
| On the contrary, I think that hosting both a forum and articles could
| increase the activity around Project Pluto softwares. I mean, when
| you go to the website, you could access the forum (which imho are a
| lot more clear than the mailing list), read news and articles about
| Guide and astronomy, post comments and contact members directly and
| privately, all that on a single site. My goal is of course not to
| weaken the community but rather to make it more and more active, by
| involving members in the writing of how-to, articles, stories, etc.
| And why not to meet each other, knowing where members are from and
| easily communicating with them. Anyway, I think the site is a lot
| more friendly than pure mails or the Yahoo interface. Moreover, its
| features can be updated to accomodate members need.
| ------
| Sébastien Vaast
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