Re: Project Pluto Users Website
sebastien_vaast Apr 18, 2002
Hi Antonio !
On the contrary, I think that hosting both a forum and articles could
increase the activity around Project Pluto softwares. I mean, when
you go to the website, you could access the forum (which imho are a
lot more clear than the mailing list), read news and articles about
Guide and astronomy, post comments and contact members directly and
privately, all that on a single site. My goal is of course not to
weaken the community but rather to make it more and more active, by
involving members in the writing of how-to, articles, stories, etc.
And why not to meet each other, knowing where members are from and
easily communicating with them. Anyway, I think the site is a lot
more friendly than pure mails or the Yahoo interface. Moreover, its
features can be updated to accomodate members need.
Sébastien Vaast