Included NGC/IC objects

Bill J Gray Apr 15, 2002

Hi Lawrence,

For NGC/IC objects, the answer is simple: _all_ are included. The
only trouble into which you might run would be if the position from the
NGC-IC Project data was incorrect. In that case, Guide would have
an image, but for the wrong place. (Fortunately, this is quite rare.
Wolfgang Steinicke's NGC-IC data is an astonishing leap forward in
accuracy.) The total number of images is about 30,000.

Aside from this, I'd say that if Guide doesn't show an image, it
can only mean it lacks one for that object. (This is assuming you've
gone into Extras... DSS/RealSky Images, and made sure images are
turned on and the fields of view at which they appear are right; and that
the second CD is available, either because you put it in the CD-ROM
drive or because you've already installed it to hard drive.)

Be warned that Guide does cache the last dozen or so images, so
you can start it up, see images left over from a previous run, move
around a little to new areas, and not get new images.

"... I have got USNO A2 installed on the HD, but I am not
convinced that the stars are regular being included" Um. They are
definitely not included if the magnitude limit is bright enough (above
the limit set in GUIDE.DAT). You also may want to right-click on one
of them, then on "display", and check the fields of view at which
they are being shown.

If you find that A2.0 is shown in certain 7.5-degree bands of
declination, but not at others, check to make sure all 24 files (or
however many you need... at your latitude, you can skip the far
southern zones!) are on the hard drive.

-- Bill