Reply to : Bill Gray
>> Hartwig, you're right about the reversed convention... not
really reversed, since N=0 and E=90 in both situations. I'm mildly
embarrassed, since I used to work for a mapping firm (DeLorme) and ought
to have noticed the bearings were off on terrestrial maps. <<
Since you used to work for a mapping form, and no doubt have used
your expertise in this area in Guide, perhaps you can offer me some advice
here. The Cartographical Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (Dec. 1965) contains an
article by D. H. Maling on Suitable Projections for Maps of the Visible
Surface of the Moon. If I wanted to try out some of these projections (for
which the formulae are given) I guess I would need to start with a simple
rectangular projection of the whole surface (to allow for libration zones
coming into view) with (at least) the crater outlines on it.
Where could I get such a thing to use as a starting point ? Would I need
to apply the fornula to each point in turn, or is there a way to (say)
convert circular craters into the ellipses caused by foreshortening near
the limb ? (I would be using Visual Basic for this)
Any advice you can offer would be very welcome.
E-mail from: Richard Mallett, 13-Apr-2002