Ax.0/Charon without the CD

Bill J Gray Apr 10, 2002

Joe, about use of "SA1_PATH" vs "A2_PATH": don't do this. If you
tell Guide that it can find A2.0 data in a given directory, but that
data is actually SA1.0 data, you will cause trouble. (I'm somewhat
surprised that it works at all.) It will attempt to access the data
using the A2.0 index files. Chaos will result, and probably some

That entry doesn't specify anything whatsoever about display
characteristics; it just tells Guide where to find the data, and
which of the four Ax.0 flavors (SA1, A1, SA2, A2) to expect.

Josch, about Charon needing the 8.0 CD: at present, it really
does insist on having the CD in the drive. (If you install to the
hard drive using the "old-fashioned method" of copying files by hand,
Charon is happy. That's probably how you got it going with 7.0.)

Obviously, Charon _should_ work with Guide 8.0's newer, slicker,
immensely better "Install To Hard Drive" option. I've just revised
it to do this. But I have to make one more, unrelated change before
I post an update to it.

The inability to load Ax.0 stars from an "A2_PATH" statement in
GUIDE.DAT is more puzzling, though. I gather that Guide _does_
correctly interpret the statement and shows A2.0 stars? It may be
a good idea to send me a private e-mail with the error message Guide
produces in this situation.

-- Bill