Re: [guide-user] RealSky/DSS/Ax.0 from hard drive

Joe Mize Apr 10, 2002


Here's an interesting, (I hate to say it), bug. IMHO it doesn't affect
Guide8 much but I thought you'd be interested. Unless it's "really" required
don't change this.

I have Sa1.0 installed to my hard drive and thought I'd try an
experiment. I changed my GUIDE.dat entry from SA1_PATH to A2_PATH. There is
a difference in how and what is displayed.

Alintak, in the Horse Head region is what I first noticed. In the
SA1_PATH style Alintak is shown as a single light purple star, Level-9 @

In the A2_PATH style Alintak is shown as the same size but as a medium
blue star. On top of Alintak is a star represented as a ring and on that
ring sitting at 12:00 is another star displayed as a point.

sig Ori, to the lower right also displays differently too. Closely
checking very faint stars in sig Ori's region, ~15Mag, there are a few
different stars shown between the SA1 & A2 versions.

It makes no technical difference to me but I prefer A2's display style
better than A1's style, A2 is prettier and provides more information. As I
said, unless it's "really" required don't change this.

Guide8 is a fantastic program. Thkx for all your work...joe :)

Bill J Gray wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> Re (1): at present, the only way to put RealSky onto the hard
> drive is as you suggest, by creating a new "drive letter" and
> pointing Guide at it. Not really a great idea, I realize...
> Getting A2.0 to display from the hard drive is a somewhat simpler
> process. Info about it is available here:
> I was about to say that you could also look at page X in the
> manual. But this appears to be an undocumented feature, as far
> as the manual is concerned. Time to add a couple of paragraphs
> to chapter 17b, I think.
> -- Bill
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"May You Go Among The Imperishable Stars"

Joe Mize
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