[guide-user] Re: Scope tracking/filters

Andrea Pelloni Jan 29, 2000

"Bill J. Gray" wrote:
> Andrea wrote this about asteroid filters:
> ASTFILTER=(y>-20) & (x>108 | x<148)

> The problem here is that '&' means 'and', but '|' means 'or'. Given
> that, Guide actually did what it was supposed to do. You can get the
> sort of filter you wanted (asteroids between RAs 108 to 148 degrees,
> north of -20 declination) with
> ASTFILTER=(y>-20) & (x>108 & x<148)

Sorry Bill, but I'm not a programmer and didn't know the different use
of "|" and "&".
Now it's working OK, thank you.

But I have another request:
is it possible to obtain a table with tha data of ALL the asteroids
shown on the map after this filtering?
I think that, to show the asteroids that are within the limits
introduced with the line ASTFILTER in GUIDE.DAT, GUIDE produces a
temporary file containing all the data that I need.
With such a table I could choose, between all the asteroids in
opposition, what are the ones for me interesting to be followed.
This mainly for astrometry.
But for photometry observations programming we are very interested to
have something else:
the possibility to request for a certain length of time (e.g. for all
September 2000) the ephemerides (mainly the phase angle) of a single
object (comet or asteroid).
I don't have found it between the incredible quantity of thing that now
GUIDE is able to do, but may be that I missed something.
Can you give me an answer?
Thank you very much