Re: MaxIm conflict/small panning

hambsch Apr 4, 2002

Dear Bill,

thanks for the quick answers.
Indeed re-installing Guide into another dir solved the problem. I
just copied then the newly installed files from that dir into my
original Guide dir and then the former version worked too.

Also the panning is now Ok, that's what I was looking for. Thanks

Keep up with this great product.

Clear skies,


--- In guide-user@y..., Bill J Gray <pluto@p...> wrote:
> Hi Josch,
> Take a look in STARTUP.MAR for this line:
> 75 panning 0.500000
> which tells Guide that, when the cursor keys are hit, it
> pan by half a screen (that is, recenter on a point at the edge of
> the chart). Cut that down to something much less than .5, and
> you should get the effect for which you're looking.
> About the MaxIm crash: that's a new one on me, and there are
a lot
> of people using both MaxIm and Guide; I'd expect to have heard of
> a conflict. Are you absolutely sure that it's MaxIm related? A
> test may be to attempt to install Guide to a new directory. (This
> not conflict with the existing install.) See if it runs there.
> -- Bill