[guide-user] Scope tracking/filters
Bill J. Gray Jan 27, 2000
Andrea wrote this about asteroid filters:
"...ASTFILTER=(y>-20) & (x>108 | x<148)
And now the surprise: ALL the asteroids were shown, except the ones
lower than -20 degrees DEC."
The problem here is that '&' means 'and', but '|' means 'or'. Given
that, Guide actually did what it was supposed to do. You can get the
sort of filter you wanted (asteroids between RAs 108 to 148 degrees,
north of -20 declination) with
ASTFILTER=(y>-20) & (x>108 & x<148)
I used '|' in my example because the range in RA did span RA=0.
Paul, about the missing 'encoder.exe' program... I'm not sure
what you mean?