[guide-user] Mouse encoders - drive method

paul@prism.softnet.co.uk Jan 27, 2000

I found that using the axle directly pressing on a large wheel with a
rubber tyre, allowed some slippage. I found that by drilling out a
pinch roller it would slide easily onto the encoder shaft. It can then
be locked with a little
hesive. I now find that the readings are reproducable after repeated
swinging backwards and forwards over 180 degrees. I am going to try
mounting the encoder shaft in the chuck of a small drill and rubbing
the roller against emery paper to reduce its diameter and improve
centreing. Anyone tried this?
We should have enough resolution after reducing the diameter of the
roller by just over half the thickness of the rubber.
When we go over to roller drive on a bigger disk 700cm diameter, we
should be able to quite easily alter the brackets and switch over the
R.A. encoder.
Thanks again to everyone on this boards who has helped Dave and I,
either directly or indirectly.
Looking forward to trying Scope next.
P.S. What happened to the encoder.exe program. It's only a few weeks
since I downloaded the latest version. I looked for it agin a few days
ago and could find no trace of it.