jardari Mar 27, 2002
> Did somebody noticed this problem (Guide8, Win98): I'm trying tofind
> conjunctions between Mercury and Venus for the next couple ofmonths.
> I click on Venus, then on Mercury, and then "Extra's" => "Findgives
> conjunction". Instead of giving me a date in the future, Guide only
> the (past) january 26th, and refuses to give the next one when Iclick on
> "Find conjunction" again.conjunction in 2001!
> If I change the date to april 2002, Guide even proposes a
> On the contrary, if I change the date tot 2003, Guide gives aconjunction
> in 2003, but then again refuses to search for a new date.update). I
> Am I missing something, or is this a bug (I'm using the latest
> know this worked with Guide7.Hi Philippe,
> Grtz,
> Philippe