Re: Problem with planet conjunctions

jardari Mar 27, 2002

--- In guide-user@y..., Philippe Mollet <mollet.cornelis@p...> wrote:
> Did somebody noticed this problem (Guide8, Win98): I'm trying to
> conjunctions between Mercury and Venus for the next couple of
> I click on Venus, then on Mercury, and then "Extra's" => "Find
> conjunction". Instead of giving me a date in the future, Guide only
> the (past) january 26th, and refuses to give the next one when I
click on
> "Find conjunction" again.
> If I change the date to april 2002, Guide even proposes a
conjunction in 2001!
> On the contrary, if I change the date tot 2003, Guide gives a
> in 2003, but then again refuses to search for a new date.
> Am I missing something, or is this a bug (I'm using the latest
update). I
> know this worked with Guide7.
> Grtz,
> Philippe

Hi Philippe,

There's definitely a bug in the find/show conjunction function.

If I now click on Saturn and Moon and do a "Find conjunction", I get
the one of March 20. Then, if I click Extras/Show eclipse, it shows
the one of April 16. This can be very confusing, if you don't
realize that the time has jumped ahead. Luckily, there's buttons with
which you can easily step to the previous event.
