Re: Positions & Magnitudes

taiwanmd Mar 26, 2002

thanks Bill,
worked even better when I changed "shown" to 1 !

One other quickie...I have noticed that when I use the "Horizon
Objects" (background), the stars all change to the color of the NSEW
(color=32,32,32). [ I have commented out all of the objects (in
Horizon.dat) except NSEW, by the way. ]
When I get rid of the horizon objects, the stars all return to
Somewhere the colors are not being reset...but I cant put my finger
on where???
thanks in advance,

--- In guide-user@y..., Bill J Gray <pluto@p...> wrote:
> Hi Randy,
> Guide has outsmarted itself here. I added some code that causes
> Guide to look for the actual dataset before putting it into
the "Extras...
> Toggle User Datasets" list. If you've not created a few user
> yet, then user_obj.dat doesn't exist yet. And if it doesn't exist
> Guide looks at user_obj.tdf, says, "How can I display this? The
> doesn't even exist!", and skips right over it.
> So... go into "User Objects", add one or two, and _then_ look
> in "Extras... Toggle User Datasets".
> Eric pointed out (via private e-mail) that things such
as "Shift-right
> click", "Alt-left click", and so on, are currently not used at
all in
> Guide. A "Shift-right-click to drop a symbol" function may be in
> Guide's future. (Along with, perhaps, "Alt-right-click to slew
> telescope here... Ctrl-right click to get 'more info' on this
> skipping the 'short info' dialog.")
> -- Bill
> -- Bill