[guide-user] Positions and Magnitudes

Roger Pickard Mar 25, 2002

Hi Andrew,
I agree with your comments about some mark or other that shows the
position input as RA and Dec.
Regarding your other comment about VT I still wonder if the comet
observers of the world are going the best route?
We in the Variable Star world have considered this most carefully
(including the paper by Dan Green) and we feel that it is best to stick to
Vj. This is because:-
1. It is a much more universally agreed standard.
2. What happens when you go below say 11 mag where there is no VT?
3. The Tycho catalogue is only a transient one and the chances are nobody
will be using VT or even aware of it in say 10 years!
Mind you, this is of no use in trying to display VT in Guide!
Roger Pickard,
Director, BAA Variable Star Section,
E-mail: rdp@...
BAA VSS Web Page: www.britastro.org/vss