Copy useing minimal.bat

Johnny Andersen Mar 22, 2002

Hello group

I have been trying to get dosguide 7 to work on my laptop these
past days but i haven´t been succesfull. Since my labtop only has
a harddrive of 320mb and NO cd drive i have to install the 11 mb
version useing the minimal.bat file downloaded from Project pluto´s website.
I copyed the files useing minimal.bat to my desktop from the cd drive
and THEN via cable connection to my laptop, all very good. What now??
where do i go from here, the bat file didn´t copy any setup files or
even dosguide.exe! it says in the instructions that line 18 in the startup.
mar sould be changed from 18 drive f:\ (or whatever your driveletter is)
to 18 drive c:\duide_cd but there is NO line 18 in the copyed startup.mar
what am i missing here??

Johnny Andersen