Re: [guide-user] Of many, many things...

Guy M Hurst Mar 21, 2002

In message <Pine.GSO.4.10.10203210932470.5152-100000@star>, Roger
Pickard <rdp@...> writes
>Hi Bill,
>A small problem I've just noticed. I can no longer print from the "more
>info" dialogue box. All other printing remains OK, however.
I have found the same problem. However curiously when I switched to
another program to print a document the 'outstanding' info box dump came
out of the Hewlett Packard printer!
Guy M Hurst, 16 Westminster Close, Basingstoke, Hants, RG22 4PP,
England. Tel/FAX:(01256) 471074. International +441256471074
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INTERNET: guy@... OR gmh@...