Re: [guide-user] USNO etc. in folders?

Andrea Pelloni Mar 15, 2002

Dear Jost, it can be done easily as follows:
open with Notepad the file GUIDE.dat, and add the following line:


whwew you have to change the drive, he root and the file name containing the USNO data.
Most important is to maintain the backslash at the end, otherwise it will not work.

Andrea Pelloni
157 Frasso Sabino

> ==========================
> Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 12:12:02 +0100
> From: Jost Jahn <kingkong59de@...>
> To:
> Subject: [guide-user] USNO etc. in folders?
> ==========================
> Hi,
> the modern hard drives are reaaly big and it´s possible to copy
> the
> complete SA (and other catalogs) to the hard drive.
> Unfortunately Guide only accept a letter for the USNO dataset.
> It would be
> nice if Guide also accept a folder, so that I can put the catalogs
> e.g. in
> folder C:\USNOA2.
> The complete POSS is also available on CD and I would like to
> copy it also
> to the hard drive, but in another folder. Using ZIPMAGIC you
> can also
> compress the data too.
> So my question to Bill: May it be possible to put also folder
> pathes into
> the STARTUP.MAR for USNO and POSS (and other catalogs) by catalog?
> I think
> it´s not too difficult to programming this. It would be a really
> great help
> for me (and others)!
> Greetings
> Jost
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