Owen Brazell Mar 14, 2002
>Hi folks,
> A late posting here... this should have gone out two days ago:
> I've just posted an update to the Guide 8 software at
> The new software has the button I mentioned in the "Settings... Toolbar"
>dialog(ue) that can be used to reset hotkeys. So, to get the function
>Pat is looking for, one would get into that dialog, scroll down to
>the "Go To PGC" option, and click on it. The "Choose Hotkey" option
>would cease being grayed out; you would click on it, scroll down
>to the "P", and select that.
> Incidentally, Jari, by default, Ctrl-B is already mapped to
>the generic "Go To Object" function. Hit that and enter PGC XYZ,
>and you'd be all set.
> Also, the various color selection dialog boxes that restricted
>you to selecting one of 13 colors are now all gone. You can select
>any color you want. For certain "linear" objects such as constellation
>lines and boundaries, planet trails, the horizon, and so forth,
>you can select a line style (solid, dashed, dotted, etc.)
> Eric Vesting, Giuliano Pinto, and Masaki Kouda have translated
>large new chunks of Guide 8, and these are reflected in the German,
>Italian, and Japanese update files. Also, Jozsef Lengyel has
>started work on Hungarian files, and has already translated most of
>the main menu points. (His current version should work with both
>Guides 7 and 8.)
> Also, there is now a 16-bit Windows update posted for the remaining
>Win3.1 users out there. Be advised that I lack a Win3.1 system to test
>it on; let me know if interesting behavior results when run in that OS.
>-- Bill
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