Re: [guide-user] Guide8/Goto comet

Laurent Zimmermann Mar 12, 2002


The same happens to me when I use a low zoom level, with as consequence that
the limiting magnitude is low (bright objects). It happens that there is no
bright comet at that time and that is why the list is empty. You may increase
the limiting magnitude by hitting the + key (all objects) or going in the
Display -> Data shown and increase there the limiting magnitude for the comets
only. By the way, if the radio button is "off" for the comets, then you got
the full list of comets using the Go to -> Comet.

Laurent Zimmermann
----- Original Message -----
From: yapaprika <paprika@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 12:05 AM
Subject: [guide-user] Guide8/Goto comet

> I've downloaded Soft02Cmt.txt file from MPC site and copied to Guide8
> directory. Then I've added data with Add MPC ... in Extras Menù.
> At this point clicking Comet in Goto menù shows an empty box while
> Current comets in Tables menù shows the right list down to the
> selected magnitude.
> Did anybody else experience that?
> Riccardo Papini
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