Does Guide 8 _have_ to be installed in c:\guide? why not keep a copy of 7 in
\guide7 and 8 in \guide8 then copy anything needed from 7 to 8...then delete
just my thoughts... <shame>I still haven't got G8 yet.</shame>
Don't know why this was a problem. I kept a subdirectory c:\guide\g7stuff
with copies of all my created *.mar files (including startup.mar and my own
mydflt.mar) and all *.zip files I had added to G7, as well as a copy of any
modifications to guide.dat. Before installing G8 I deleted everything in
the root directory c:\guide, did the install, then copied everything from
the \g7stuff subdir into the new root directory, and unzipped the *.zip
It just seemed like the logical thing to do, and it worked fine for me. It
only took 2 or 3 minutes for all that copying and unzipping.
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