Re: [guide-user] Missing 'limiting mag'/LX-200 precision

Jan Manek Mar 6, 2002

At 22:30 6.3.2002 -0500, Bill Gray wrote:
> Jan, about the high-precision mode for the LX-200: this is discussed,
>a little, at
> Basically, when you click on "Slew Guide", Guide reads an RA/dec
>from the scope. If that happens to be in the "precise" (arcsecond level)
>format, Guide realizes that it can _send_ data (when you click on
>"Slew Scope") in that format. Otherwise, it realizes that it's stuck
>with the low-precision format.

Thanks for this info. And what about toggling the long/short format with
"#:U#" command ? I haven't found way to do it from LX200 keypad of
observatory's 16" Meade so I must connect to the scope by terminal, send
out the command and thenafter only is the telescope sending the more
precise data. I would invite if it could be possible to make this toggle
command from inside Guide and if elsewhere in Guide could be indicated what
data format is currently active.


Jan Manek
Stefanik Observatory Private :
Petrin 205 Werichova 950
118 46 Praha 1 152 00 Praha 5 - Barrandov |_|_|
Czech Republic Czech Republic / \
Internet : jan.manek@...
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