Re: Postscript to PDF

alindengard Feb 28, 2002

--- In guide-user@y..., Owen Brazell <owen@o...> wrote:
> True but GSview is user friendly with a windows interface and it
> the easy front end to Ghostscript. It will also convert PS to PDF.
> At 18:14 27/02/2002 -0500, you wrote:
> >Hi Siebren,
> >
> > Philippe's thought of converting to .PDF got me to thinking
> >(always a dangerous thing). The current version of GNU Ghostscript
> >can convert PostScript to .PDF. You can already take a .PS
> >file from Guide's "Make a PostScript" function and PDF-ize
> >it in this manner.

You can also go to for converting PS-files to PDF-
files. This site is based on AFPL Ghostscript, running in the
background when one submit a PS-file. You get the result directly on
the site, as a downloadable PDF-file.

Then it also exists two shareware programs that makes directly PDF-
files out of the print-command in whichever program you use (just as
Acrobat Writer do). They cost circa 50-60 dollars. The programs are
DocuCom PDF Driver and FinePrint pdfFactory.

Arne Lindengard

> >
> > Problems are that Guide's PostScript files are always in
> >black & white, and that Ghostscript is not entirely user-friendly.
> >Aspects of it are downright user-abusive. Still, it's one path
> >to contemplate (the other, more immediately useful one being
> >the 16-bit version of Guide. You need not re-install Guide to
> >use it; just copy \UTILS\GUIDE8A.EXE from the CD-ROM to
> >your Guide directory.)
> >
> >-- Bill
> >