Common names in Guide

Bill J Gray Feb 27, 2002

Hi Siebren,

The only solution I can think of for the common names would
be to edit the file COMM_LAB.NAM. By default, this has 294
star names. Lop out the ones you don't want, and you'll be
all set. You'll notice that they are labelled and sorted by PPM
number; this is used inside Guide ("we're drawing star PPM
XYZ; does that number appear in the list? It does? Let's
show the name for it, if common names are turned on.")
Don't remove the numbers, and leave the file sorted by
PPM number when you're done.

Philippe's thought of converting to .PDF got me to thinking
(always a dangerous thing). The current version of GNU Ghostscript
can convert PostScript to .PDF. You can already take a .PS
file from Guide's "Make a PostScript" function and PDF-ize
it in this manner.

Problems are that Guide's PostScript files are always in
black & white, and that Ghostscript is not entirely user-friendly.
Aspects of it are downright user-abusive. Still, it's one path
to contemplate (the other, more immediately useful one being
the 16-bit version of Guide. You need not re-install Guide to
use it; just copy \UTILS\GUIDE8A.EXE from the CD-ROM to
your Guide directory.)

-- Bill

-- Bill