[guide-user] Re: quite basic question regarding CHARON.

Bob Elliott Dec 31, 1969

Dear Octavi.

My guess is that you have the image file pp.st8 in a directory other than Guide.
Try naming the file with its complete name such as C:\ST8\pp.st8.

Also their is a newer version of Charon on the project pluto web page that
is a bit easier to use. You no longer have to input data on the command line.

Good luck.

Bob Elliott
750 Fall Creek

At 06:33 PM 1/25/00 +0100, Octavi wrote:
>Hello all!
>I'm trying to reduce my first set of 5 images using Charon. They are .st8
>formatted, corresponding to Phocaea (25) on 01/20/00. This was inside ACR
>regionC zone, so I decided to take a look at him, in order to estimate the
>incidence of my instrumental errors upon the astrometric accuracy of the
>derived position.
>Before running on my image, and following the manual recommendations, I've
>performed the reduction of d:\image\ngc4565.st6, with no problems. Also
>I've run charon without any parameter in order to see the setting
>available. Observatory code, focal lenght, etc have been set properly.
>As a first test run, and before trying to use ACR catalogue, I'm chose
>the default reference one (which I guess it's GSC1.1). Therefore, my
>command line is:
>c:\Archivos de programa\GUIDE7> charon pp.st8 -oa25
>and here's what CHARON complains in CHARON.LOG file:
>CHARON version Dec 30 1999 19:55:43
>Observing from MPC station Fabra Observatory, Barcelona
>Latitude set to 41.4167, longitude to 2.1258
>Image identified as .st8 file
>pp.st8 not opened
>So it seems that CHARON is able to recognize the format but not open the
>image. I'm sure the image is not corrupt because I can display it with
>Does anybody have had such a similar problem?
>Thanks in advance,
>Octavi Fors.
>Fabra Observatory 006
>Barcelona, SPAIN.
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