Re: [guide-user] Animation by Guide

Bernd Brinkmann Feb 26, 2002

Hello all,

if you have single graphic-files generated automatically by Guide then
one can use the share ware program IrfanView32. This has the
possibility to crop, change size, change graphic format and image
processing features in one batch run. I love this small program.
You can find it at:

> The AVI came out the largest - 2.3M! (uncompressed) whilst the SWF and
> MOV were nearly equal - 137kb. The original GIF is 163kb.
> So my question is would it not be easier to export animations from Guide
> as an animated gif, probably the most widely supported bitmap animation
> around. The problem being how to dump each required frame into a gif
> image. I suppose letting the object animate for a while whilst Guide
> automatically does a screen dump every 'n' seconds would be the easiest
> way to go. This would not solve the problem of screen resolution -
> dumping a 100 1024x768 screens makes for a large file when the user may
> only want a 150x150 portion. Can the size of a screen dump be designated
> or is it set at 'full screen'?
> Anyone else have thoughts on this?

Clear skeis

Bernd Brinkmann
Herne, Germany