Replacement disks/two questions
Bill J Gray Feb 22, 2002
Hi Bill,
Yes, the replacement (for people in that first round of shipping) does
have to be requested. I've added you to the list.
And now for two completely unrelated questions...
A while back, somebody on this list (don't remember who) mentioned
creating a series of .BMPs in Guide, then running them through a
program to create an animation (Flash, animated .GIF, MPEG, something
of that ilk.) However, I can't seem to find this. Can anyone recommend
software to perform this task?
I have some thoughts to simplify "movie making" with Guide a bit.
Basically, you would hit a "record on" button, and each animation
step or redraw of any kind would produce a new frame. If you wanted
to create, say, a movie showing the Moon going through its phases,
you could click on it, then on "moving target" in the Animation
dialog, then on "record", and start animating. All this would make
the need for a way to make animation-format files from a slew of
still images.
And now the second totally unrelated question: I've finally realized
(after about five years or so!) that PGC includes galaxy luminosity
data for most major (and some minor) galaxies. So you could click
on a galaxy and, in "more info", see data about its distance and
luminosity in units of the sun.
Does anyone know the luminosity of the Milky Way in units of
the sun? I could then have Guide say, "This galaxy is X times
brighter than the sun and Y times brighter than the Milky Way."
But I'm not having much luck in digging out this datum.
-- Bill