Re: [guide-user] guide 8

Jost Jahn Feb 18, 2002

At 21:06 18.02.02, you wrote:

>Bonsoir Bill,
>Je n'arrive pas à me procurer les CD de Guide 8. Comment faut-il faire ?

As the list master I must advise all writers to write at first in English
(doesn´t matter, if ti´s poor English as mine).
You may include as second (!) part the complete or longer message in your
native tongue.

Please note, that if each one would write in his mother language, this list
would be unreadable for most of us.

If someone plans to open foreign-language mailing lists for Guide (as in
Japan e.g.), I would appreciate this! I think guide-user-in-france or
guidce-user-in-germany would be a nice name.

Otherwise I must set each user, who don´t follow this, to controlled mails.
That means that I must say OK to each of his mails. This may be lasting
sometimes days or weeks.

Please don´t discuss in this mailing list about this message, because it´s
the masters voice :-)


Jost (german mother tongue)

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