New LX200 GPS first light
jambroseus Feb 17, 2002
Just had my LX200 GPS 10" out for a run. The Optics looked very good
on this windy cold night (just returned) but software shows some
First Meade seems to have dropped the sync function in favor of "high
precision" mode. Used to be after you centered and object you could
sync on it and move with high accuracy to objects nearby. In "high
precision" mode it aligns on a star before each object is acquired
and the star can be some distance away. For instance, I was looking
at M31 and wished to go to M32 (a very short hop). The system slewed
to a star some 30-40 degrees away for alignment (user centers and
clicks enter) and then come back to M32 (which so far has missed dead
center every time). Syncing on M31 and making the short hop directly
was so much nicer, more accurate and without needless slewing and
wait time. I cannot believe Meade has dropped the Sync function in
favor of this. This makes locating objects in my very small CCD chip
extremely difficult for I will not be able to center an alignment
star very easily. This makes "high precision" mode unusable after my
camera is attached. I hope enough complain that they will re-instate
the sync feature in the next software update.
More later.