Drawing orbits of series of objects

Philippe Mollet Feb 14, 2002

Hi everyone,

since we're working on a small exhibit featuring the "Small objects in the
solar system", I'd like to make some images showing the orbits of all the
Jupiter-moons, or the orbits of "all" the asteroids, or.... Mostly a view
from above the central object, although a more "3D-like" viewpoint could be
nice too).

Of course, there is a way to do this in Guide (take a viewpoint from way
above Jupiter, click on a moon, add a trail just long enough for one orbit,
and do this all over 28 moons ... And then I'm not talking about hundreds
or thousands of asteroids ;-)
So not the most economic way to do this...

But on Bill's website if found this: http://www.projectpluto.com/jsats.htm
(with links to http://www.projectpluto.com/pro_jsat.gif and

Is there a way to make this kind of images more automated (have I missed
something?), or does someone knows about other software doing this
(accuracy is not that important, although of course the different
inclinations and eccentricities should be obvious).



Philippe Mollet
Tel.: 02/269.12.80
Fax.: 02/269.10.75
E-mail: philippe@... (job)
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