At 20:42 2002-02-04 +0800, Ivan Semmler wrote:
>I did check one item which I noticed in Guide 7 some weeks ago with the
same apparent
> problem being in both versions. I have found that when checking the moon
rise and set times
> in Quick Info the times do not agree with the times in the Lunar Data
>for example for
> February 4 Quick Info 5.05 rise 15.48 set
> February 4 Lunar Data Table 5.07 rise 15.46 set
>Any suggestions?
Hi Ivan.
I asked Bill Gray about this a month or so ago and in his explanation he
included the fact that for rise and set times when we set our location data
the altitude should be above the local horizon and not above sea level.
The reasoning is that if you look out over the landscape from a mountain
top 300 meters above the surrounding landscape then the horizon seems
depressed and you will get an earlier moonrise than if you are on a flat
plain or standing on the seashore. Try setting your location altitude to
zero and see how the two sets of data compare. Mine were exactly the same
after I set the altitude to zero. For other observations however like
astrometric work on minor planets and comets the MPC wants to know your
altitude above sea level.