Asteroids dissapearing in Guide 8.0 and other small concerns

Pierre Laporte Feb 2, 2002

I receive GUIDE 8.0 earlier this week. With the upgrade that B. Gray posted, I had no problem with the hard drive installation. The only drawback that I found is that if you open a new mark file, it seems to change the setting and GUIDE 8.0 behave as if the hard drive installation has not be done and complain to have the CD in the drive. Is there a way to overcome this behavior ?

But the main problem that I found concern asteroid. GUIDE 8.0 behave as if there is no asteroid before 1960 or 1959. If you set asteroid on in Data shown window, all asteroid should appear in the screen. It work well for the present date, but if you change for an year before 1959, all asteroids disappear. I try to put the CD in drive and nothing change. How GUIDE 8.0 manage the asteroids ? What can I do to have those asteroids back in the past ?

The WDS information is missing in more info window. What happen with it ? Is there a way to get it back ? As a double star observer, I like to check this information.

I continue to test and explore GUIDE 8.0. By the way, I found great the DSO images that are on the CD 2. Having it on a hard drive make it great. And I look at NGC 2299 which seems to puzzle some. With the image, we can easily see that we have a open cluster there.

Great job Bill.

Pierre Laporte

Observatoire POLARIS


Centre d'observation astronomique des monts Notre-Dame

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