Re: Updates/software/mount correction

gcne67 Feb 2, 2002

--- In guide-user@y..., Bill J Gray <pluto@p...> wrote:

> One minor problem with the MEC (Mechanical Error Correction) system
> in Guide: it only applies to encoder-based systems, not to "GoTo"
> scopes. At the time I added this system, my only real thought was
> that I needed something to allow alignment and control of encoder
> systems; I figured there wasn't much point in attempting to adjust
> the LX-200's alignment. This turned out to be doubly unfortunate.

If I understand this correctly, Guide 8 doesn't allow MEC for LX200 systems. Are there plans to correct this any time soon?

I was looking at Prism, which handles this for LX200, etc. but they just doubled the price for the new release to US$150 even though it's got all the image processing features (which I don't need).
