Re: [guide-user] Guide8 installation
Andrea Pelloni Feb 1, 2002
Bill, I received my CD's yesterday, and have done as follows:
A- installed GUIDE8 with setup;
B- loaded last GUIDE8.exe upgrade;
C- tried to make the "Install on HD", unsuccesfully;
D- then installed from CD's on the GUIDE8 directory all the directories from the 2 CD's;
E- copied from GUIDE 7 all my personal files (bookmarks, horizon.dat, objects.dat, itoolbar, all the icons I have done, and so on);
F- inserted the line "A2_PATH=D:\CCC MIEI\WAUSNO\" in GUIDE.dat, for use of USNOA.2 loaded on my HD #2.
Now everything is working very well, because I have the same settings I had previously in GUIDE7, and moreover all the added features of GUIDE8.
Very nice job, Bill, thank you.
Andrea Pelloni
Rome- Italy