Re: [guide-user] Installing Guide 8 to the hard drive

Joe Mize Jan 31, 2002


Funny you mentioned USANO-A2.0, I was just working trying to get to my
SA1.0 CD or data on HD. I've even put SA1.0 into the Guide8 folders. Guide8
just keeps asking for disk # of # to be inserted. What did you code into
Guide.dat? I tried SA1_PATH=14.5;E:\Sa10\

One redeeming fact, I can download A2.0 from the Internet surprisingly
quick...joe :)

Michael L Cunningham wrote:

> .........So far everything works like a charm. I have accessed my USNO-A2.0
> CD's with no problems and have also accessed the A2.0 from the internet and
> everything matches!

"May You Go Among The Imperishable Stars"

Joe Mize
Current Moon Phase