Re: [guide-user] Installing Guide 8 to the hard drive

Michael L Cunningham Jan 30, 2002

At 09:07 PM 1/30/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi folks,
> One other problem has been cropping up with installing to the
>hard drive:
> Suppose you attempt to do this with the original software,
>toggling a slew of items to be installed. It fails. You then get
>the new software from the Web site, click "Extras... Install to
>Hard Drive." It looks as if all the items of interest are already
>checked, so you click "OK". And... it still fails.
> The problem is that Guide is bright enough to see that you
>didn't toggle anything, so it assumes nothing has really changed.
>It's _not_ bright enough to realize that the previous install failed.
> To get around this, toggle _something_ to persuade Guide
>that, yes, it needs to check everything out. You can go back
>later and toggle that something back the way you wanted it.
> It looks as if the patch is actually working... there were just
>some people confused because the earliest version of it still
>required double-clicking, and some more confused by the above
>problem. I've gotten slews of e-mails on the topic, but (at least
>so far) it seems that any problems have been in those two
> I'll be holding off on sending a revised CD to be replicated until
>Monday, though, just in case anything interesting crops up.
>-- Bill

I've also installed both CD's to my hard drive (a single 60Gig hard drive)
after doing the initial install, updating with the latest download file, and
then doing the full install. So far everything works like a charm. I have
accessed my USNO-A2.0 CD's with no problems and have also accessed
the A2.0 from the internet and everything matches!

So far I love it!

Michael L. Cunningham
So Cal SleeperS - 2001 Grand Am GT
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