Re: [guide-user] Problems with hard drive install

Denis Boucher Jan 30, 2002

After reading many of the posts regarding the installation of Guide 8, I
came to the following conclusion.
Guide 8 appears to have the same installation procedures as Guide 7.

1) Do a simple install (cd operation only)
2) Install Guide 8 patch
3) Open Guide 8 and do HD installation.

I have noticed those who have done HD installation prior to installing the
patch have reported problems. The same usually pop up in Guide 7. I am
assuming Guide 8 reacts the same way.

This may need to be confirmed by Bill.

It may help a few.


> Bill;
> I may have had a bad initial install although I didn't receive any
> I downloaded the new install patch, extracted it to E:\Giude8 and
> again. Nothing. I deleted Guide8.exe and Filelist.dat and re-extracted
> again. Nothing.
> I deleted everything in E:\Guide8 and reinstalled, then extracted the
> install patch and it worked. I got all the extras on Disk-1, except the
> languages which I didn't choose, to install without any trouble. Started
> Guide8 and it's running like a charm.
> Thkx a lot for all you effort. I really enjoyed Guide7, without any
> updates. Now I've got a new toy to explore...joe :)