Re: Guide 8 minor issues

hambsch Jan 29, 2002


I just installed GUIDE8 with the fix of Bill and it worked fine. I
also do not see any problems if I animate the planets (working with

I guess to use the USNO data on the hard disk works just as in
Guide7. I will give it a try.


--- In guide-user@y..., "derekalanwong" <dawong@e...> wrote:
> I just installed Guide 8 with the update from Bill. I'm glad the
> program is shipping because it's been a long time coming and I know
> Bill will always give update files.
> Here are a few issues I found in the first fifteen minutes of
> 1. The HD install is not very intuitive. I believe Bill Foley ran
> into this problem. First, you have to double click the entries to
> install (I assumed single clicks would work) - there should be check
> boxes. After I updated Guide.exe, I redid the update and still
> nothing happened. I had to uncheck the boxes, restart the program,
> then recheck them. It would be nice if the program could autodetect
> which files had been installed.
> 2. The animation leaves fragments. Try enlarging Mars to about 25%
> of the screen size, then continuous animating it in 2 min increments
> and watch the labels duplicate. The moon really goes wild. Jupiter
> and Saturn leave a partial frame in the original location and
> sometimes leave pixels behind. That being said, the animation looks
> really good on my new home built fast (Athlon XP 2000+) computer.
> 3. When I try to go to Barnard dark objects the program says "not a
> valid object". I put in several valid numbers. Perhaps I didn't
> really install everything on the hard drive?
> Thanks,
> Derek