Hi folks,
The points about having to double-click items in the "Install to Hard
Drive" dialog are well taken, of course. I have modified the program
to do just that, and the result is (again) at
Derek, I noticed that the file BARNARD.DOC wasn't copied over,
which explains why the "Go To... Nebula... Barnard Dark Nebula"
option failed. I corrected that as well. Be warned that to get it to
copy, you'll have to go into the "Install to Hard Drive" dialog,
uninstall something and click OK, go back in, and reinstall it
and click OK. If Guide doesn't see a change, it assumes (not
unreasonably) that it need not copy or remove any files. You've
got to toggle _something_ in the list, or no action will be taken.
The drive from which you install, or to which you install, ought
not to matter at all. When you first set up Guide, it makes note
of the CD drive letter and stores it. It does nothing that requires
that it be installed on a particular hard drive; I keep one install on
my drive C: and a more "experimental" one on drive E:, and have
done this for some time now.
Given this, I think we're all set. If anyone uses this new version
and still sees trouble (i.e., you single-click on an entry in "Install
to Hard Drive" and it doesn't toggle, and you then click "OK" and
it doesn't install), please let me know!
I'll be holding off on sending in the revised "Disk 1", probably until
Monday. During that time, I'll be making no changes where possible...
the bug fixes have required only a few lines of code, fortunately.
-- Bill