Re: [guide-user] Major problem in Guide 8/solution

Joe Mize Jan 28, 2002


Received Guide8 today. Thkx. :)

Tonight when I got home from work at 2345 I installed Guide8 entirely to
my E:\ drive. The Install went flawlessly well and I experienced no
problems. I started Guide8 and it started up okay. At this point I cycled
my PC. Next I downloaded the Install Patch you referenced below, exploded
the ZIP file and extracted the two files to my E:\GUIDE8 directory. The
original files were replaced with, Guide8.exe, 820K, 1/27/02 @ 12:06 and
Filelist.dat, 60K, 1/26/02 @ 5:07

You're going to hate this. I started Guide8 again and went to Extras to
complete the installation of the additional files. The Extras dropdown list
was displayed but when I highlighted any of the files and clicked OK nothing
happens. I tried several times starting with the Minimum Hard Drive Install,
then others. Every time I clicked OK nothing happened. The CD didn't
startup, if the CD Drive was already running nothing was selected from the CD
and nothing was placed on the E:\ hard drive, no flickering of lights on the
CD drive or the PC's CPU. I even redownloaded the ZIP file and re-extracted
it to E:\Guide8 but still nothing happens. I cycled my PC again just in case
the Guide8.exe and Filelist.dat had to be registered somehow but that didn't
help either.

I'm running Win98 SE on a Pent-II 266. I have received no error msgs.
Is Guide8 sensitive as to what Hard Drive it is installed to?...joe :)

Bill J Gray wrote:

> Hi folks,
> The CDs and manuals arrived here on Wednesday, and I've already
> shipped about 200 copies. (The folks to whom copies were shipped know
> who they are; I've sent "your order is shipped" e-mails to them.)
> That's the good news. Here's the bad:
> Yesterday and today, I've gotten a few e-mails about a serious
> problem. On a lot of systems, the "Install to Hard Drive" option
> (to load part or all of the two CDs to the hard drive) fails. You
> get a brief click or two from the CD-ROM drive, but nothing
> actually gets copied. I'm beginning to suspect that "a lot of
> systems" is going to translate into "virtually all of them."
> This one is entirely my fault, the result of changing a file a
> day or so before sending the master disks into the factory to be
> replicated. It did (of course) work just fine on my system...
> Exactly how to deal with this depends on if (a) you've got Guide
> 8 or received an e-mail saying it's been sent to you, or (b) you
> haven't received such an e-mail yet.
> Those in category (a) can fix this by downloading this file (about
> 450 KBytes):
> and unZIPping it in your Guide directory.
> If this is unacceptable to you, please let me know. I will be
> getting replacement "Disk 1" CDs pressed and can send one to you when
> the time comes. (Be aware that it won't provide you with anything
> improvement over what the file gives. Either way, the
> bug is fixed.)
> For those in category (b), those to whom Guide has not been shipped
> yet, have a choice. I am suspending shipping until I get replacement
> disks. If you'd rather not wait, please let me know; I can send you
> what I've got right now, and you can apply '' and be up and
> running. (There's nothing wrong with this option; it does mean you'll
> have to get the file, but I know most of you will be downloading updated
> software from time to time anyway.)
> As to when I'll have replacement disks: it will probably be one to
> three weeks. I'll give you a more exact idea tomorrow, when the folks
> at the disk manufacturing company get into their offices and I can get
> some scheduling data. (Once I have that data, I'll be e-mailing
> everybody, in both categories (a) and (b).)
> My apologies for this trouble. Guide 8 underwent considerably more
> beta-testing than any previous version, and I really thought it would
> be impossible for anything major to slip by... and, had I refrained
> from altering the file, this would indeed have been the case.
> -- Bill
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"May You Go Among The Imperishable Stars"

Joe Mize
Current Moon Phase