Re: [guide-user] Major problem in Guide 8/solution

André Lemieux Jan 27, 2002

Hi Bill,
I'am one of those who bought version 7 that came with the promise of the update to G8 but I did not get an e-mail, so I must be category b)...
In any case, I don't mind downloading the update file, so fell free to send me one of those disk.. I'd hate to see them end in the garbage can.
I'm an AA but also ecologist when I can.
My Mailing adress is
André Lemieux
504, rue Ouimet, c.p.1360
St-Jovite, Qc
J0T 2H0
Have a nice day and I hope you end up delivering those disk.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill J Gray
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 12:36 PM
Subject: [guide-user] Major problem in Guide 8/solution

Hi folks,

The CDs and manuals arrived here on Wednesday, and I've already
shipped about 200 copies. (The folks to whom copies were shipped know
who they are; I've sent "your order is shipped" e-mails to them.)
That's the good news. Here's the bad:

Yesterday and today, I've gotten a few e-mails about a serious
problem. On a lot of systems, the "Install to Hard Drive" option
(to load part or all of the two CDs to the hard drive) fails. You
get a brief click or two from the CD-ROM drive, but nothing
actually gets copied. I'm beginning to suspect that "a lot of
systems" is going to translate into "virtually all of them."

This one is entirely my fault, the result of changing a file a
day or so before sending the master disks into the factory to be
replicated. It did (of course) work just fine on my system...

Exactly how to deal with this depends on if (a) you've got Guide
8 or received an e-mail saying it's been sent to you, or (b) you
haven't received such an e-mail yet.

Those in category (a) can fix this by downloading this file (about
450 KBytes):

and unZIPping it in your Guide directory.

If this is unacceptable to you, please let me know. I will be
getting replacement "Disk 1" CDs pressed and can send one to you when
the time comes. (Be aware that it won't provide you with anything
improvement over what the file gives. Either way, the
bug is fixed.)

For those in category (b), those to whom Guide has not been shipped
yet, have a choice. I am suspending shipping until I get replacement
disks. If you'd rather not wait, please let me know; I can send you
what I've got right now, and you can apply '' and be up and
running. (There's nothing wrong with this option; it does mean you'll
have to get the file, but I know most of you will be downloading updated
software from time to time anyway.)

As to when I'll have replacement disks: it will probably be one to
three weeks. I'll give you a more exact idea tomorrow, when the folks
at the disk manufacturing company get into their offices and I can get
some scheduling data. (Once I have that data, I'll be e-mailing
everybody, in both categories (a) and (b).)

My apologies for this trouble. Guide 8 underwent considerably more
beta-testing than any previous version, and I really thought it would
be impossible for anything major to slip by... and, had I refrained
from altering the file, this would indeed have been the case.

-- Bill

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