Re: [guide-user] Guide 8

Owen Brazell Jan 20, 2002

according to the information on the web site Guide 8 will install
one or both CD's to the hard drive. It will use the larger catalogues if
present but not if otherwise. The web page is at

At 08:18 20/01/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi, Bill,
>I know that Guide will be on two CD-ROMs this time. Will it still be
>possible to do a complete or partial install onto hard disk?
>I really do not anticipate the need for plotting galaxies fainter than
>the visual range of my 12.5 inch Newt, so is there a way to omit the
>large catalog of faint galaxies that comes with it?
>Thanks in advance. I look forward to the new version with great
>Roger Curry
>Visit the Northeast Florida Astronomical Society website at
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