Re: North Celestial Pole

PJ Anway Jan 12, 2002

Bill and Stephen,
Thanks. Both ways worked great and I really appreciate the help.

PJ Anway

From: Bill J Gray <pluto@p...>
Date: Sat Jan 12, 2002 1:44 pm
Subject: North Celestial Pole

Regarding the North (and South) Celestial Pole, my first thought
was along the lines Stephen Tonkin suggested: turn on 'ticks'. It
then occurred to me that, for people who don't really want to have
ticks shown on-screen, a little .TDF (user-added dataset) would help,
and I've attached it to this file.

Put CELEPOLE.TDF in your Guide directory, and you'll see the
poles labelled. The file contains its own "data", in this case,
two "objects" at dec +90 and -90. However, you can easily edit
CELEPOLE.TDF to add extra objects, or to change "North Celestial
Pole" to "NCP" or "This End Up".