North Celestial Pole
Bill J Gray Jan 12, 2002
Regarding the North (and South) Celestial Pole, my first thought
was along the lines Stephen Tonkin suggested: turn on 'ticks'. It
then occurred to me that, for people who don't really want to have
ticks shown on-screen, a little .TDF (user-added dataset) would help,
and I've attached it to this file.
Put CELEPOLE.TDF in your Guide directory, and you'll see the
poles labelled. The file contains its own "data", in this case,
two "objects" at dec +90 and -90. However, you can easily edit
CELEPOLE.TDF to add extra objects, or to change "North Celestial
Pole" to "NCP" or "This End Up".
The only way I can see to get this to show the celestial pole of
date would be to edit the file and change
epoch 2000
to read (for the position as of right about today)
epoch 2002.03
-- Bill
file celepole.tdf
title Celestial Poles
RA H 1 2
RA M 4 2
RA S 7 4
de d 12 3
de m 16 2
de s 19 2
epoch 2000
text 22 40
goto spaces
toler 10
go to 22 80
type sc15;m-20,-20;l20,20;m-20,20;l20,-20;
~b 22 80 %s\n
field 0 900
shown 1
# This is a "self-contained" .TDF file: both the data and the
# .TDF data description are contained in a single file. Here are
# the "objects", in this case, just labels for the NCP and SCP:
00 00 00.0 +90 00 00 North Celestial Pole
00 00 00.0 -90 00 00 South Celestial Pole
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