Re: [guide-user] Guide 8 draws nigh

André Lemieux Jan 9, 2002

I have both... and altough starynight has nice videos, I find guide much more precise at the scope, it goes much deeper as far as mag are concern.
It would be nice to merge both!!!! precision and picture...
maybe G8 will have improved.... I'm supposed to get the upgrade free with G7...
to see
----- Original Message -----
From: Georgiana Inturrisi
To: Guide-Users
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] Guide 8 draws nigh

I'm new to this list, but I wanted to know how Guide 8 differs from StarryNight Pro,
and is it a guide of the night sky. Like I said, I'm unfamiliar. Thanks for the help.

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill J Gray
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 9:35 PM
Subject: [guide-user] Guide 8 draws nigh

Hi folks,

I sent out the two master CDs for Guide 8 to the factory yesterday
(Monday, 7 January), along with the electronic version of the user
manual. No word yet on how soon I can expect to see disks and manuals;
in the past, it's taken anywhere from days to about three weeks. I
should be able to get more info about the schedule in the next few days.

While I'm waiting for the disks and manuals to be mass-produced,
I'll be sending out upgrade offers via e-mail. I'll first have to spend
a few days cleaning up the customer database and rigging up Eudora to
allow such a mass-mailing.

Full details on the new version are at:

-- Bill

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