hg lindberg Jan 9, 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: <Elia_Cozzi@...>
To: <guide-user@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 9:57 AM
Subject: [guide-user] Guide vs. StarryNight Pro
> "Georgiana
> Inturrisi" To: "Guide-Users" <guide-user@yahoogroups.com>
> <KawaGirl@msn cc:
> .com> Subject: Re: [guide-user] Guide 8 draws nigh
> 09/01/2002
> 05.32
> Please
> respond to
> guide-user
> I'm new to this list, but I wanted to know how Guide 8 differs from
> StarryNight Pro,
> and is it a guide of the night sky. Like I said, I'm unfamiliar. Thanks
> for the help.
> ==========================================================================
> Hello Everybody,
> probably I'm not the best user of these softwares, but I have both of them
> and I think to be able to tell you something about.
> I am an Italian astronomer, not only amateur astronomer, but also
> professional astronomer and I can assure that Guide is absolutely the best
> software for professional and scientific astronomical use.
> Everytime I go to observe in an astronomical observatory, in Italy and
> abroad, I always keep the CD-rom with Guide and a back-up copy of it ( I
> have too fear to stay without it in the middle of the night!).
> Guide help me in planning observing session, printing finder charts and,
> surely, saving a lot of time in identifying a lot of object in the field of
> telescope.
> But these can be considered personal opinions, so what that is absolutely
> true is that Guide can be considered as a night assistent. It's precision
> and kindly interaface is well beyond any other software. Its data and
> computing capability are well beyond anyone can forsee in a sky simulator.
> I integrated it with the Palomar Real Sky and the USNO Catalog to have an
> instruments that a lot of international astronomers I meet in the
> observatories all around the world ask me to try it and, so, they spend a
> lot of time (much more than a night!) to test it. As a conclusion they
> always say words such as "this software is light-years beyond my
> requirements".
> It is impossible to describe, in this mail, all the features of this
> wonderful software, therefore I can only suggest you to look at its web
> pages (www.projectpluto.com) to take a round around of its capabilities.
> But what about the match "Guide vs. StarryNight Pro"?
> All in all it is quite impossible to play the match. I consider them
> complementary products.
> In other words, if I have to make computation, to plan observing session,
> to print finder charts, to have a strong help in professional and
> scientific use, the choice can be only "Guide". (and do not
> misunderstanding the word "professional" because it's user interface is
> surely one of the easiest among astronomical softwares).
> But if I have to make a public show or general public lecture, StarryNight
> give me a very nice graphics with a lot of realistic effects (i.e. the
> shadows of the trees, a corona around an eclipsed sun, a very nice skyglow
> during sunrises and sunsets, and so on). These kinds of things are well
> appreciated by the public and very nice to see.
> In conclusion, I could suggest you to buy both of this softwares, but if
> you need a software to help you in field observations, in high precision
> computing, in find-out the position of the objects in the sky (comets,
> galaxy, planetary satellites, or artificial satellites (the precision in
> this section is breathtaking!) and so on) or in any other scientific or
> rather-scientific use, you need Guide without any doubt.
> On the other side, if you need a scenic simulator for public speech or for
> the joy of your eyes, StarryNight Pro (the minor version are very poor in
> details) could be a valid helper.
> That's all.
> Clear (and dark) skies to all of you!
> Sincerely.
> Elia Cozzi
> ===============================
> Dr. Elia Cozzi
> New Millennium Observatory
> Mozzate - Italy
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