--- In guide-user@y..., "Laurent Zimmermann" <lzmn@s...> wrote:
> I agree the "unknown color" has to be clearly different of any one a
> star can be. One possibility is to use... gray. But perhaps it is
> non-aesthetic (or at least non conventionnal). Another possibility
is to
> add a color selector in the "Star display" dialog box where on can
> if "Color stars" is checked.
I think it's rather pointless to color stars of unknown spectral type
any other than white. If coloring the stars is done for added
realism, then the saturation of colors should only be a fraction of
the current, anyway. If it's done to convey information, then one
wonders what's the use the data in More Info.
One other thing about colors; GSC non-stars are controlled in the
settings (on/off) but they are also colored green. They could very
well be white as the majority really are stars. Blended objects are
orange, but their visibility can't even be controlled. They too can
be regarded as stars (hence colored white). Artefacts (cyan) should
simply have a on/off toggle as they aren't real objects and by
default toggled off.
Just my 2 euro cents