Re: [guide-user] Saturn problem

Georgiana Inturrisi Jan 5, 2002

Hi Massaki!

I just wanted to say Hi. I'm new in this field and joined the Astronomy Club, and I find it fascinating to
hear from people so far away from me. I just started seeing Saturn, Jupiter, Pleides and I just seen the Great
Orion Nebula the other night. It's awesome.

Hope all is well!

----- Original Message -----
From: Masaki Kouda
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 9:32 PM
Subject: [guide-user] Saturn problem

Hi Bill.
I got bug report from guide user friend.

1.Saturn Ring diameter

Guide7(Dec. 2001 version, and CD-ROM version also) draws
Saturn Ring llittle small. For ex. Almanac say Current A-Ring is
46" diameters. But Guide draws about 45" dia.

2. Saturn sadow on the ring

Bitmap and Shaded saturn's shadow are good.
But Line-Figured saturn's shadow on the ring is too much.

I wish you find problem and fix them.

Masaki Kouda, Japan

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