Georgiana Inturrisi Jan 3, 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: James Ellis
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 6:02 AM
Subject: [guide-user] skysensor and Guide 7
hello from smoky Sydney.
I have finally gotten myself a Skysensor 2000 and have given it a test out
with Guide over the last few days.
I have hooked it up in LX200 mode and am pleased to say I had no problems
with it at all. All the buttons on the Guide scope pad are working.
Unfortunately the smoke from nearby bushfires here is causing some probs
actually seeing stuff in the eyepiece so I haven't been able to test out
pointing accuracy etc.
I'll be trying to do some more detailed things with the SS and Guide
including comet and satellite tracking when the smoke clears...
Eg is Guide capable of sending comet and satellite orbital data to
Skysensor? The manual states that this can be done via a terminal prog such
as Hyperterminal, but doing it in Guide would be cool.
For those who are interested, NASA has a photo here of the bushfires:
Sydney is the yellow/brown mushroom shape on its side.
I'm just left of centre in the top shot, near one of those isolated red
squares. Right under the smoke... darn it.
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